Creating a Character Player
Character Conversion
Mutant Chronicles to Fury of the Clansmen
1. Create a character using the Mutant Chronicles rules.
2. Use the Conversion rules in the back of the Imperial Source Book to create Armor Value (AV), Close Combat (CC) and Ranged Combat (RC). Move Value (MV) and Actions stay as per the MC character.
3. Convert non-combat skills using the following chart. Find the Skill Value (SV) to determine the die type and number.
SV Dice %
1-7 W 5-35
8-10 R 40-50
11-13 B 55-65
14-16 WWR 70-80
17-19 RBB 85-95
20+ BBB 96
The chance listed is the base chance and in most situations only 1 success will be needed to get minimum results from skill usage. However, for each extra action spent a character can either gain 1 extra white die, or convert the lowest value die upward. This would give a character with a low skill value a chance to gain a success for a moderate to hard task by basically putting forth extra effort.
Skill Difficulty:
Easy to Moderate Task= 1 Successes
Moderate to Hard Task= 2 Successes
Hard to Difficult Task= 3 Successes
4. To calculate a character's hit points use the Body Points table on p. 73 of MC core book. Hit points equals what the character would normally have in the Head location.
5. Perception Bonus (PB) is a dice pool of W dice the character has available to make observations during that mission. A character may use these dice in any combination any time he/she takes an action to observe. For instance a character with a PB of 5 can take an action to search an area and roll anywhere from 1-5 W dice. Once die is used from the pool, however, it is no longer available until the start of a new mission. The results of any search attempt are scaled just as skill difficulties are, so finding something well hidden may take 2 successes, etc.
6. Sometimes a character's mental strength will need to be tested to resist the Dark Arts. In such cases the Base Skill Value derived from the MST stat plus any modifier is converted to die type as per skills.
7. Optional Game Play Rule: Characters may actively defend against ranged combat (bob and weave, duck and cover) by spending 2 actions to gain an additional W die to AV.