Thoughts, ideas and rambling
I will be using a few ideas from all the great Sci-Fi elements I have encountered. Warzone, D6 Space, Space Opera by Fantasy Games Unlimited, Star Hero, 40K, etc...Movies, books, comics....
The idea is true to Sci Fi, there is a great Empire lead by an an evil emperor, this area is far removed from this distant colonial area. In fact they have basically been cut of from the home empire. Out in the colonies the people have fended for themselves. Out here there is many different races as well...
The races have been borrowed from a few RPG's:
Gilvahns Space dwarfs
Lonthyn Elongated humanoids
Pherro Dog people (hates the Barathax) Very friendly towards the Humans.
Barathax Cat people (hates the Pherro) Concurring slave drivers
Razithar Lizard people
The Greys (small in numbers but highly technical) typical UFO type
The Spugs Insect people that use other races as slave labor and food. They have a hive mentality lead a confederacy of Queens.
Gilvahns Space dwarfs
Lonthyn Elongated humanoids
Pherro Dog people (hates the Barathax) Very friendly towards the Humans.
Barathax Cat people (hates the Pherro) Concurring slave drivers
Razithar Lizard people
The Greys (small in numbers but highly technical) typical UFO type
The Spugs Insect people that use other races as slave labor and food. They have a hive mentality lead a confederacy of Queens.
The Game System
Due to my familiarity with and fondness for the Hero systems, we will use Space Hero for the RPG, with this system a plethora of abilities is possible, players will be able to play the arch character type the would like to be. Magic is very rare but is part of the fabric of space (i.e. psonics) Some very special people have mental abilities that many equate to magic.
This world also g a chance for many a skirmish games, so we will be able to have some tabletop battles as well.
This world also g a chance for many a skirmish games, so we will be able to have some tabletop battles as well.